"If you succeed in misleading somebody, Do not think of him of being a big fool, Rather think about how he trusted you." – Hazrat Ali (ALLAH be pleased with him)
Trust is the most important thing in a relationship. It is very difficult to gain. We trust our parents, our family for so many reasons. We know they will not harm and will never break our trust. But sometimes ALLAH tests us with this as well when any of our dear ones break the trust of us.
Trust takes years to build among people but takes a second to break. It is the most hurtful feeling ever if anyone breaks the trust.
I always consider it like glass. The glass once ruptured couldn't get back to its original previous shape and if then anyone tries to attach the broken pieces together with each other, he gets a wound. It does get attached to each other but you will always see the marks on the glass and on our own hands.
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The same is the case with trust. Once broken, never get back to its original place. With time, either a person forgives one who broke the trust or becomes indifferent to the things. Because after when the trust was broken, a person can not get back to his exact previous original version.
We do lie to people on very small matters even that if he/she gets to know the truth, it not only breaks the heart but also a trust.
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In a bonding of any kind like the bond of friends, with parents or siblings and a relationship between husband and wife, Trust is the most important factor. Without trust, there is nothing left in any relationship. Trust is where love is. If we love someone, we will trust him/her for anything. Just because of the trust we have on our closed ones, we share so many things with them. We are open to the people whom we trusted and do not feel any need to hide anything from him/her. This is the strength of trust.
That's why we trust ALLAH. He knows everything about us. We can not lie to Him or hide anything. We are open to HIM. I just wonder if only we become more trustworthy, many of the issues get resolved.
Take it as advice or whatever but please never break anyone's trust. It becomes really hard sometimes after to be a person again that you were before. Trust deficiency always leads to severe conclusions and outcomes. We can make our lives beautiful just by being open and trustworthy.
Happy Reading!
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