What have I come across nowadays is a loss of our cultural values, our norms, and values. Two things which are the main cause of this loss are indecency in dressing and evilness of sight. A few days back i was scrolling down my Instagram feed and it amazed me that one of the feminists was defending the indecency in dressing and pointing out the evilness of sight of men. Being a feminist is not a negative thing but just to being called a feminist, forgetting the basic cultural and religious norms is. I do not say that she was totally wrong, but partially she was.
In our religion ISLAM, we have been guided right in these two things the best, that is:
1. Decent dressing and coverage of body parts.
2. Veil of sight of both genders.
But sadly, these both things have become so rare in this era. Not only these things, but we have also forgotten every teaching of ISLAM and following the things and paths that are prohibited.
My point of view is that we have to live in this world for a limited time being as decided by ALMIGHTY ALLAH. So what if we ignore and forget the way of life we exactly must implement in our lives. We have forgotten that ALLAH is all-seeing, our norms and values are totally indifferent to our religious values and norms.
Today when I saw people around, their dressing (either girls or boys) makes me feel that we have lost our respects even in our own eyes. Because we wear what we like other people wearing regardless of the fact that maybe the dressing boundaries other people follow are totally different from ours but who damn cares. We have to wear so that people see us, we want to be like them so people get impressed or maybe something else which I never understand why. I am totally against the slogans nowadays that were raised like "wearing a hijab or having a dupatta around does not make a difference but a sight of a man does."
Like seriously, whatever we wear, how-ever we look, no matter how much our body is exposed to others and how do we move. Nothing of them matters, because it's a personal choice of a person that what he/she wears. Only the thing that matters is the veil of the sight of man. Are we not following any religion that constraints us about both?
It doesn't happen. We can't demand anyone to keep down his gaze in spite of whatever we wear. It is not like that. It is just like you are putting something to eat near a person who is very hungry but maybe fasting and ends up breaking his fast at the irregular time just to eradicate his hunger and goes out of his values and norms OR religious restrictions.
Yes, its really important to always keep down our gaze as per the teachings of ISLAM, but with this, we have to look decent while moving out. So nobody could try to look at you with the evil in heart
and nobody dare even to pass any vulgar or improper comment on you. Our dressing provokes others how to react (only if you think).
I have seen parents nowadays that they do not tell their children about the importance of these two things. Unfortunately, they also think these values backward and rigid. This is how our brains are being washed by the liberals of our society that we are becoming more worldly and less aware of the END OF TIME.
The veil in your dressing and veil of your sight always gives you respect in society.
The use of the veil in dressing doesn't show that we are weak as a person or we own complex personalities. It shows dignity, modesty, pride and builds confidence. We do not need an exposure of our bodies to show the world that we exist. There are so many things other than this through which we can prove our worth to the world.
Moreover, a veil of sight, keeping down our gaze when anyone passes by us gives others security to move. Saving a sight from evil is very much emphasized in ISLAM. He who keeps down his gaze and let others live with freedom always gain respect and honor.
I wish we all could ponder over this positively and try to implement some of these teachings and norms in our lives.
I wish we all could live in this world just like the way we have been taught by ALLAH and HIS HOLY PROPHET (S.A.W.W.), following ISLAM.
Happy Reading!
In this era, it is considered as modernism. Well written 👍🏻
jazak ALAH:) keep supporting