According to our religion Islam, Character is the most important factor in any human being. A person is known by his/her character and character building is very important since the start. Our attitudes and behaviors are totally depended on our characters and negligence towards it causes us a great harm. Our characters show others how well or bad is our up bringing. Character is all about things like how we talk, we walk or sit, how we react, love and the respect we gave to others. These all things we learn when we are growing up. This is a big responsibility that we all own towards our next generation. When we are leaving our school,college or any educational institute we are awarded with a character certificate which is used for further admissions and even whenever we leave any job, we are issued with experience letter in which character is also discussed. People used to ask about the character first before marriages in Pakistan. We try to make friends of good characters who are not indulged in bad habits. As we all know "A person is known by the company he keeps".
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So, in any field of life, character is a strong factor of any person. A person who behaves or works as per nature's set of rules or regulations and the teachings of Islam; characterized as a good person, always being loved by ALLAH and the people around. But whoever does the opposite becomes unloved, un favorite to the people. Nobody likes to sit with him/her and considers him/her as a lose character person to whom nobody can trust or wants to talk or anything like that. I used to remember a time when i was studying, i used to observe people always all the time. This is really a blessing that if you can observe and make an image of what is wrong, what is right in your mind and then decides according to what you are taught all your life about different things that whether that scenario or person is right or wrong. This is how character builds up and this goes on helping us throughout our lives with us.
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In my view, parents in this era should be strict enough and friendly at the same time so children can talk about anyone with respect and the sense of not harming their parents. This is how children get to know about what is right or wrong and what should be done. Because betterment of the children lies in the proper character building and love given by parents. Character does play an important role in the success of a person not only in this world but also in hereafter. I wish good luck to all parents and parents-to-be in this important phase of their lives and in the upbringing of their child. May they fulfill their responsibilities of building up a good character of their child and make him/her a good person inside out (ameen).
Happy Reading!