Addiction of ANYTHING is harmful
Addiction means adapting a habit of doing whatever we like once, with repetition. In my view addiction to anything is harmful to us. We used to get addicted to so many things or people in our life. If we get addicted to some person then it means that we feel for that person over the top and if we get addicted to something, whatever the thing is, we feel like we own it (however we do not).

But this addiction provokes us to get a reach to that thing or even a person by any means, no matter how extreme limits we have to cross. This thought gets us indulged in the crimes and sins later. It not only disturbs our minds but destroys our lives.

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There are several addictions which are very common. One of them is an addition to caffeine (tea, coffee, etc.) I was once a tea addict as the craving of tea used to get over my mind in the evening a lot until I had it.

Some people are addicted to drugs which makes me think that how can one destroy his own life by his own hands. I have seen many times while going anywhere, people sitting on the corners of the roads, footpaths, and grounds (where is the less chance of being caught) injecting themselves with drugs and forget the world around them. It just keeps my heart out and gives me a feeling of not being able to help them (sadly).

My mind used to get stuck with thoughts about these drug addicts' families and their conditions. This bad addiction is usually found in a less privileged community where people want to get rid of all the problems they are facing in their lives and the only way they find to forget them is to inject cheap drugs into their bodies.

It gives me goosebumps that what if they die in such condition, how will be the end of them. Many questions raised in my mind like how their families manage to live up at least to put an end to the hunger of themselves and their children in these circumstances. Sometimes some drug addicts are buried like an heir somewhere and their families keep searching for them everywhere.
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Some people addicted to tobacco to blow off the fears and frustrations of their lives with each smoke in spite of the fact that this tobacco is injurious to health and causes cancer.

Addiction means extremism in using anything that relaxes the mind. We become lazy as well. We usually forget about the things that matter even more of our addictions like family and our responsibilities towards them.

Anyhow, I can only wish that things get better. I tried to spread awareness and realities about addictions. There is always a need to follow what is called the right path. I wish a healthy, prosperous and happy life for all.

Happy Reading!

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